10 ideas for decorating a child's room
The child's bedroom is a separate room in the house, because it is where its young occupant will play, daydream, draw, develop, and grow. By taking care of the decoration, we obtain a place in which the child will want to spend time. Here are 10 ideas to obtain a result that meets your expectations!
Decorating a child's room: a challenge that should remain fun
It is essential to keep in mind that creating a space entirely dedicated to your child remains a fun adventure. Of course, if the whole thing represents a certain challenge, for example, obtaining a functional room that will be appreciated for several years, the exercise must remain serene. Whether you are starting from scratch or want to renovate an existing space, let the child in you speak!
1) Simplicity, the key word for a child’s bedroom
The child's room requires a clear and well-thought-out decoration. The idea is to focus on simplicity, to create a space for playing, which can be easily rearranged and updated as your child grows. To summarize, a child's room must be recreational, with clear areas on the floor.
Did you know, for example, that a floor-level bed can also serve as a play area?

2) Put yourself in the head and body of a child
Everything in a child's room needs to be the right scale, so it's essential that every item, especially furniture, is designed for a smaller user. Opt for an appropriately sized table and chair, low bins, open shelves and easy-access hooks. While these criteria may seem trivial, they actually encourage the child to become more independent.
3) A space to play
Of course, the child will sleep in his room, but he will mainly use it to play! Small ball pool, four-poster floor bed, indoor swing, climbing wall, slide for a mezzanine bed, there are plenty of options to help the child get rid of his excess energy!
Add to this a space focused on manual and intellectual development. This could be a section of wall painted with black chalkboard paint, on which the user of the place can express himself. Add a cork board, on which he can hang his paintings, etc. For an "arty" touch, opt for a designer suspension from the petite friture brand for the child's bedroom .
4) A space to “work”
The child's development goes through creation, so he must have a space entirely dedicated to drawing, coloring, painting, modeling clay, etc. It is not a question of dedicating an entire workshop to him, unless you have the space, but of clearly delimiting an area in which he can occupy himself without being disturbed. Later, this space can become the one in which he will study and do his homework.

5) A space for daydreaming
If you can, create a space dedicated to doing nothing! This can be a small futon or a bean bag chair hidden under a large sheet hanging from the ceiling. This space allows you to spend time alone, to daydream, read or take a nap.
6) The child’s bedroom is above all a magical place!
If adults forget over time that magic exists, children feel it and practice it every day! Create a magical place by investing in a few cheap fairy lights, add stars that glow in the dark to the ceiling, a light imitating the moon on the dresser.

7) Make the most of space
Here, it is not a question of filling every available square centimeter, but of optimizing the use of space. Indeed, as mentioned above, the child's room must be synonymous with space for playing, whether it is a small room or a large one.
In the first case, the loft bed doubles the usable space while providing a clean and modern atmosphere. Use the area below to create a reading corner or a lounge area, if it is a pre-teen.
8) Don’t skimp on storage space
Children's toys, games, books, and clothes evolve along with their owners, so it is essential to be able to store everything and create a peaceful atmosphere in the room. Don't skimp on hooks, book shelves, storage boxes to put under the bed, and furniture with built-in storage.

9) The importance of colors
Naturally, children love color, but with so many colors available on the market, choosing can quickly become overwhelming. To successfully decorate your child's room, tap into your child's personality and ask for their opinion! Are they more playful and energetic or calm and gentle, or even a mix of both? For a winning result, paint three walls in a neutral shade and the remaining wall in the color of their choice. Highlight this scheme by adding, for example, a trendy suspension .

10) Incorporate patterns and textures
The nursery is the perfect place to foster imagination and creativity. Patterns and textures can help achieve this goal without breaking the bank. For example, for a result worthy of a designer photo, opt for a combination of rich, textured layers and bold graphic patterns for a balanced and visually interesting result.
What should we remember to decorate a child's room well?
Decorating a child's room does not require any expensive investment to obtain a result that pleases the main person concerned, unless it involves very major renovation work. Sometimes it is enough to reuse accessories and furnishings that have been set aside in order to create a space that reflects the personality of its occupant. In any case, it must be given importance, because it is a matter of the child's well-being, development and fulfillment.