Our tips for packing your maternity suitcase
Inspired by my many pregnant friends and because for me it was not so long ago... I wanted to debrief a little on the preparation for this famous maternity suitcase .
There maternity suitcase is more than just luggage; it’s the prelude to a new chapter in your life as a mom.
Carefully preparing this suitcase is of the utmost importance to welcome your baby with all the necessary comfort and peace of mind.

Opt for practicality by choosing clothes that are suitable for your little one's first days, don't forget the essential diapers and hygiene products. Remember to include comfortable outfits for you, because your well-being is just as important. Add a personal touch by taking items that will make the hospital room warmer, and don't forget essential documents. By optimizing your maternity suitcase as much as possible, you ensure that you experience this unique moment with serenity and foresight.
When should you pack your maternity bag?
Preparing the maternity suitcase for the big day is a sweet moment at the end of pregnancy. You can start whenever you want, but it's even nicer to have it ready around the beginning of the ninth month (at 37 weeks), or about a month before the expected due date!
What do we put in the maternity bag for the mother?
If you are about to give birth, this complete guide will answer all your questions.
This list includes what I personally found necessary or useful for the stay in the maternity ward, such as loose clothing and cotton underwear, and other items to ensure the comfort and calm of the mother.
Although not exhaustive, this list is based on my own experience, I have tried to give practical and concrete advice. Some products are often provided by maternity hospitals.
The mother needs comfortable clothes for the postpartum. Take with you your medical file, your blood group card, identity card, vital card.
Be sure to ask your property for the list and consider booking a single room for added comfort during your baby's first day and night.
Becoming a mother is an extraordinary adventure, so prepare yourself as best you can for this unique moment!

Photo of the spotted dog
Comfortable clothing and underwear
We can't tell you enough, but loose and comfortable clothing is essential when you've just given birth. I would even add dark-colored stockings, to be at ease with the significant blood loss in the first few days. Pajamas or loose clothing to feel comfortable. If you're breastfeeding, think about the practical side and bring clothes that open at the front.
Don't forget the underwear... the choice is super important! These three days in the maternity ward won't be the sexiest of your life. So, leave the lace aside and remember to bring your cozy cotton panties for maximum comfort.
The choice of underwear is all the more important if you are breastfeeding your baby. I advise you to take a bra or even better a nursing bra ! I really like it Kallisto-mama , which is a brand of Beautiful, ethical, healthy, comfortable, and absorbent nursing lingerie. A real treat to be given by your husband the month before your delivery.

Have we forgotten anything? Should we take everything that is indicated on the maternity list?

Personally, I prefer to travel light, and I want to share with you my list of essentials to put in the baby's suitcase. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and it is easy to complete it according to your specific needs.
First of all, I felt a great pride in being able to use the wicker suitcase that contained my first things and that had been used, a few years ago, by my mother for my birth clothes. Thank you to my mother for being so careful.
What do you put in the maternity suitcase for baby?
- 5 light fleece pajamas (size 1 month, the newborn size pajamas have never been used)
- 5 bodysuits (size 1 month)
- 2 fine knit vests (Romie was born in summer)
- 1 pair of socks
- 1 fine jersey or fine wool hat for winter babies
- 1 bathrobe
- 1 small care kit with brush and thermometer
- 1 diaper
- 1 pacifier clip and 1 pacifier
- 1 sleeping bag
- 1 bib
- 1 baby soap
- 1 pack of first age diapers
Our advice so that dad doesn't get too lost:
Take a small separate bag to put your baby's newborn clothes in. In the rush of giving birth, dads can lose their composure when it comes to giving baby clothes.
Does the maternity ward provide diapers?
This was the case until recently, but now you have to bring your diapers, especially in public hospitals. Of course, if you forget some, you will be given some as a stopgap. The establishment must help you with everything that concerns baby's comfort: diapers; sterile compresses, small first-day bottle, mild soap, diaper cream, antiseptic care, etc.
When to start buying clothes for your baby?
It's best to wait until the second trimester, but we won't blame you if you give in to temptation before then.

For the day of his birth:
On the advice of the midwife: I prepared a small separate bag for his dad containing his birth outfit. Pyjamas, a bodysuit, a cardigan, a hat and a pair of socks.
Honestly I don't know if Romie was particularly clean... but we only stayed 3 days and she didn't lack anything.
What pajamas for the maternity ward?
For baby, opt for newborn-size pajamas and a few 1-month-size bodysuits. These clothes will quickly become very small, so don't bother with these small sizes.
How to dress your baby when leaving the maternity ward?
Your baby will be nice and warm in his pajamas and in his carrying case. You can add a blanket if you think it's necessary.
Here are the suitcases I could have chosen to take Romie's baby things to the maternity ward:
A bird print suitcase from Sudioloco

Woven wicker suitcase from Bymimosette

For care, here are the items we brought:

A brush from April Eleven all soft in wood.

The XXL diaper on sale at April Eleven . Big and soft, perfect for swaddling baby in.

The delicate shower gel from Minois , I am addicted to perfume. (orange blossom and honey)

An April Eleven fabric pacifier clip

A large diaper bag Milinane , the size is perfect and the prints are always so cute.
For clothes I found some pretty Petit Bateau bodysuits for Romie, the ones you see in front. Really simpler for newborns than the bodysuits with snaps on the bottom.
Finally, for clothes, it's quite personal so I'll let you follow your desires.
Preparing the maternity bag:
A key step to welcome the imminent arrival of your baby.
Here are some tips that can make this often tricky task easier. First, establish a detailed list taking into account your specific needs. Plan comfortable clothing for yourself, favoring outfits that are easy to put on. Remember to bring your personal hygiene products, a first aid kit and energy snacks to stay revitalized during your stay in the maternity ward.
For the newborn, prepare seasonal outfits, diapers, wipes, and don't forget a soft blanket. Add personal items such as photos, a book, or soothing music to create a familiar atmosphere in the hospital room.
Finally, don't hesitate to include articles that bring comfort , whether it's a favorite pillow or a small stuffed animal for the baby.
By following these tips, you can create a maternity bag well organized and tailored to your needs, allowing you to focus on the joyful arrival of your newborn.