Le bébé Vierge son caractère astro - APRIL ELEVEN

The Virgo baby his astrological character

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, is an earth sign. Composed, calm, introverted and sensitive, the Virgo child is reserved and shy. This fragile little being has a good sense of analysis and needs to understand things and others before launching into them.

What month are Virgo babies born?

They were born between August 23 and September 22 .

The character of this late summer child:

With the Virgo baby, calm is the master! No screaming, no crying. This little being adapts to you to please you. From a very young age, the Virgo baby shows true altruism, with a constant need to feel useful and to fill you with happiness. However, this sign also needs benchmarks, because the Virgo baby is naturally anxious.

The little virgin on the school benches:

Our little Virgo is very intelligent and curious, observing every situation carefully. He generally likes school and order very much. These qualities will be beneficial to him, promoting early development. He will often be one step ahead in games, especially card games.

Be careful, because he won't hesitate to surprise you with his best strategies when he's older! Role-playing games will also amuse him, suggesting playing chef will fill him with joy, because he'll have fun while feeling useful.

The sleep of the little virgin?

Disruptions to his bedtime routine should be avoided. Be sure to respect his ritual by setting him up with his favorite musical star and swaddling blanket. His anxiety about the unknown can make it difficult for him to sleep during the first few months; it is common for him to wake up in the middle of the night, looking for his lost bearings.

The ideal signs to be a Virgo's brother or sister

Socially, he may seem shy at first, but don't hesitate to encourage him to socialize. Once he has confidence, he will be happy to communicate with you.

Virgo is often closer to water signs like Cancer , Scorpio , Pisces . She also gets along very well with other Virgos and other Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus) . Virgo and Cancer are signs that get along well simply because they balance each other out.

What is the ideal gift for a Virgo baby?

If you want to please a virgin baby, offer him a personalized birth box . Indeed, in our boxes you will find everything your baby needs in the first few months. Nothing better to establish a ritual and reassure this anxious child.

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